Apply. Get to a flying start. Build a career.
We receive a large number of applications. So please be patient. We know that you are waiting to hear our response. We will get back to you as soon as we possibly can. To help our recruitment process run smoothly, we ask that you respond to letters, e-mails and phone calls promptly. Thank you. And good luck!
Step by step.
You could use our job search tool. Our job search tool will give you the results you seek. To be more specific, it will give you the most suitable job for you. Fill your application and send us a cover letter, CV, and other relevant supporting documents.
Before applying take a look at our website. Read about our company and find out about our group companies and the sales line that you are interested in. Read more and then fill the application and apply.
An automated receipt or confirmation email will be sent to you once you apply.
Once you have sent off your application, you will receive an automated confirmation of receipt.

After receiving, your application will be reviewed by our HR team. After that, it will be forwarded to the department which you are interested. Then, the department that you are interested in will determine whether your information and profile are the right for us or in other words the department will determine whether you match our professional requirements. If our company is interested and if the department approves then you will be contacted as soon as possible. The interview comes afterward. In the interview, you will be given the chance to give more information about you and what you do professionally. Also, you will be a part of a conversation regarding the position you are applying for. Your potential work environment will be also shown to you. To be more specific, in the interview process our company will find out a lot about you and vice versa.
Advice for a successful interview
If your application was a success, then an interview is following without a doubt. Interviews sometimes are overwhelming but if you follow our advice you will end up not only prepared but also confident.
Check your CV before applying
There will be a lot of questions regarding your CV during the interview process. After all, with your CV you give us information and we know only that information and nothing more. Remember what you have written there and check it before sending it. Implement everything relevant to you.
Check the job advertisement
The interview usually revolves around your abilities and our requirements after employing you. Remember, there are not neither wrong nor right answers during the process as long as they are true. Remember that we pay special attention to the way that you are answering those questions as well. So, read what exactly we seek, and the advertisement will tell a lot about our questions.
Read information about Net-Digital
Go online and find as much information as you can about our company – Net-Digital. You see, you can learn a lot about us if you read something in advance. Pay special attention to Net-Digital’s profiles on social media.

Ask questions
No job interview in the world is one-sided. That is why you also need to ask questions for us and our company. We want to exchange information as much as you can. We from you and you from us. Ask us about our environment, about the way we work and about people present in the company. Contract terms and working condition questions are also welcomed.