Munich, 04.05.2018 – Today the Management Board of Black Pearl Digital AG (ISIN: DE000A2BPK34; WKN: A2BPK3) resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board of the same day, to increase the nominal share capital of the Company from EUR 250,000,00 to up to EUR 275,000.00 by issuing up to 25,000 new no-par-value bearer shares with an imputed share in the capital stock of EUR 1.00 each under the provision of the authorised capital 2016/I. Under §4 section A (5) of the articles of association, the pre-emptive rights of existing shareholders are excluded. The new shares will be offered by way of private placement to selected investors at a subscription price of EUR 10,00 per share. The resulting proceeds will be used to continue building the company’s operational business.