Investment focus and services
The investment focus of Net-Digital AG is essentially directed towards high-growth companies in interesting industries. Topics that play a special role are the digital transformation of traditional industries such as financial services, mobility, etc. as well as the areas of telecommunications and digital media. We are interested in both product-driven and service-driven companies.

Adhoc News
Gesellschaft schlägt der Hauptversammlung Sachkapitalerhöhung zum Erwerb der net Digital AG vor
München, 18.11.2020 – Der Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat der Black Pearl Digital AG haben heute beschlossen, der Hauptversammlung der Gesellschaft die Beschlussfassung über den Erwerb von 100% der Anteile der net Digital AG mit Ihren operativen Tochtergesellschaften net...
Black Pearl Digital AG announces change to the management board
Munich, 02.07.2019 – Black Pearl Digital AG (ISIN: DE000A2BPK34) announces, that Johannes Angermeier will leave the management board of the company on 31st July 2019. The decision was taken by mutual agreement and approved by the supervisory board today. The company...
Black Pearl Digital AG announces capital increase with pre-emptive rights
Munich, 15.11.2018 – Black Pearl Digital AG (ISIN: DE000A2BPK34) announces the approval of its security prospectus by German regulator BaFin (“Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht”) as of today. With its approved prospectus Black Pearl Digital AG will...